
We hope you will read the rules set forth in the booklet carefully. The sole objective is to respect, protect and beautify the burial places under the care of the Board, and to ensure the care of the graves in the Cemetery.

The Board may, from time to time, repeal the rules or parts thereof in such a manner as in their discretion will best serve the interests of the property under their control, subject to the approval of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.

The by-laws are the rules and regulations that govern St. Andrew’s – St. James’ Cemetery and have been approved by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, Cemetery Regulation Unit.

There is a Business Manager in charge who, along with other Cemetery staff, will be pleased to advise you concerning matters relating to the Cemetery. The members of the Board of Trustees are also available for consultation. It is hoped that every Interment Rights Holder will feel comfortable to consult these various officials at any time.